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3 14 The Living Temple. Part II. je& to a Lawof Mortality, as it is with every Sinner among Men ; but they were beheld as continually filling this World withMifchiefs, with Wicked- neffes and Miferies ; and counterwork- ing all God's glorious and merciful Defigns in it : Even every one of them, from his firfi Apoftacy, as long as the World (hall laft. 4. Man finned at firft, being feduc'd, tempted, and deceived by the Devil, The Devils, as .being their own Temp- ters ; Sin had in, and from them, its Original, and first Rife in the Creation of God. In all Agency, whether of Good or Evil, much is wont to be at- tributed to this, who wasfirfi in it. In point of Good, the Bleffed God bath no Competitor : He is the undoubted fir f Fountain of all Good, and is there- fore acknowledg'd the Supream Good. In point of Evil (Viz. Moral) there is noneprior to the Devil, who is there- fore eminently call'd the Evil, or Wic4 ed One. And, as the Devils were fìrfl in Sin, f they led us into it by deceiving us. The Mali,;nity ofit, was therefore the g;;:àter on their ports, and proportion- ably