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3 i 6 The Living Temple. Part II. VII. But it repref .nts the occafion and rea- fan of (hewing Mercy mercifully, in the efiimateof the Divine Wifdom, which conduits the Ac`s ofSovereignty. And Judges of Congruities, as fuftice Both of Right and Wrong. Where indeed among the Objects of Mercy, there is an abfolute parity, there (as to them) weer Sovereignty deter- mines, as it may be ordinarily, in God's eleíing amongMen the Objets of his free Favour, where there is no objee-live Reafon ofEligibility, in one, more than another, efpecially if there be filch, as would rather perfwade the contrary way, Wifdom hath no proper Exer- cife. But Occafions, are ofgreater La- titude, and comprehend all confidera- ble Circumftances, and Confequences. And many things lie open to the Di- vine Eye, that are hid to ours. But now, whereas we cannot doubt, that betides fuch Confderations as oc- cur to us, the Bleffed God faw fuper- aboundant Ground of not making Inch Provilion for the Recovery of fallen Angels, as of loft Men ; we can have none, whereupon to imagine, the former partake not of the Benefit with