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Part IL Me Living Temple. 3 17 with the latter, for want of value in the Sacrifice of EMMANJEL. For when the Blood of his Crofs is in- timated to extend to all things both in Heaven and Earth, Col. i. 20. to dif- fufe an Influence through the Uni- verfe, to be theCement of the Creation, in what part, and for what time, it !hall continue, fubordinately to the Creator's Pleafure and Purpofes; and that by him who fhed it even as filch, all things arefail to confifl. And that befides his Natural Right, he bath ac- quired, by the fuperabundant Value of this Sacrifice, the Odours whereof are fpread through all Worlds, an univer- fal Dominion; and particularly, to be Head of all Principalities and Powers. To eftablifh the Faithful and Loyal, to judge and punifh the Difloyal, over whom he to glorioufly triumphed on the Crofs, Col. 2. 15. To have every Knee bow to him, &c. Phil. 2. 6, 7, 8, 9, io, it. It cannot be, doubtlefs, but the value of the fame Sacrifice, had fuf- ficed to obtain a Power, as well as to govern and judge all, to eftabli(h and reward the Good, to punith the Bad, fo to have obtain'd, that, upon Terms, Pardon, andMercy, mighthave reacht down