Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

18 The Living Temple. Part IL down into the infernal Regions, ifthey that inhabit them, could, upon other Accounts, have been thought a pardon- able, or tradable fort of Delin- quents. And if we cannot apprehend this great Sacrifice to want Value even to make Atonement for Devils, we can as little think it should avant Value to fave VIII. 2. The, impenitent and Vnbelieving among Men, under the Gospel; And that it mutt therefore, alfo, be for Tome other Reafon, thatItch perilb. As (i.) If there beany thing ofRea- fon in what bath been difcourfed, con- cerning the State of the lapfed Angels, their continuance in wilful Impeniten- cy and Infidelity, partly lrppofes, part- ly rilkes the State ofthings with thew the fame. . Partly fuppofes it fo. For it im- plies they have been apply'd to, and treated with, perfo'nally upon the terms of thefecond Covenant. i. e. The Cove- nant of God in Chrifi, as the Apofiate Angels were upon the fir(l And if the A- poftatesguilt of theformer wasfo horridly great