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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 t 9 great upon this account. The guilt of the latter mull be proportionably fo ; on the fame account. 2. Partly makes it the fame, for, hereby, as they were Violaters fill and immediately in their own Perfons of the Firli Covenant ; fo are thefe of the Second. " For, generally, they that live under the Gofpel, are profeft Cove- nanters : And if they were not, they could not but have become obliged to have been fo, by the very Propofal and Tender thereof unto them; or, as foon as the mind of him who made them, concerning this Matter, was known. They werenot obliged by . their own Content, but they were obliged to it ; and by an incomparably greater and deeper Obligation. Not by their own AEA and Deed ; but by his who gave them breath. What is their Authority over themfelves, compar'd with that of the Supreme Lawgiver ? A meer borrow'd fubordinate thing ! without, and apart from him, without whom their Being it fell were ricer nothing! An Argument ad flominem, is convi- dive in Difputation, between one Man, and another. But how much more o- ver-