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3 2 o The Living l entpie. Part H. verpowering Means of Convi&ion will there be in the Judgment of the great Day! And theparity ofCafes between theAn- gels thatfell, and infolent Sinners under the Gofpel, is intimated as monitory to the latter, in thole Texts of Scripture, that fpeak of God's moft juft and ter- rible Severity to the former, viz. The Sin ofboth was Apoftacy, according to the different Covenants or Laws under which they flood. For as the one fort were Apoflates from God, fo the o- thers were from Christ, denying the ,Lord that bought them, 2 Pet. 2. I. And again, Turning the Grace of God into Lafcivioufnefs, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord ye/ifs (hr f jud. 4. Whereupon, this Example of God's Vengeance upon the Angels that fill, is fubjoyned in both places. Befides what was common to them, with the Apoflate Angels, there were fame things peculiar to there wilful Re= fisfers of the Grace of the Gofpel, and l iolaters of the Gofpel- Covenant. As, i. That the Guilt of wilful Sinners under the Gofpel, admits of this Ag. gravation above that of the rebelling Angels