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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 2 Angels, that they offend againft the Grace of the Remedy, never offered to the other, treading under foot the Son of God, profaning the Blood of the Cove- nant, wherewith they were fanCtify'd an unholy thing, and doing defpite unto the Spirit ofGrace, Heb. i o. 29. And 2. That the Offer it felf, made to them,carrieel in it a manifeft Significati- on oftheir(remote) claimable right to the Benefitsof the Gofpel- Covenant, onSup - pofition of their Compliance with the Terms of it (untowhich the fallen .4n- gels could have no Pretence) barr'd on- ly by their non- acceptance, or refufal, which appears in the general Tenor of the Gofpel- Covenant it felf. Ho, every one that thiris Whofoever will, let him come, and take of the Waters of Lifefree- ly---- God fo lovod the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoe- ver believe on hint fhould not perif?a- - -- And it is here to be noted, that a fecret Intention gives not a claimable Right ; but fame Overt A& or Deed. And it muff be claimable, before it ought to be claimed, or accepted. This is the Cafe then, with the wilfullyitnpenitent, and Rebellious, under the Goipel, that X it