Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

3 2 2 The LivingTemple. Part II. it may be truly faid to them : ` You might have had Pardon and Eternal Life, if you had not rejected the kindeft Offers. It is not, therefore, want ofValue in this Sacrifice ; but your Rejection, whence it is unavailable to them. As for them that could never have the Cofpel, or Infantsuncapable of re- ceiving it, we muft confider, the Holy Scriptures were written for thofe that could ufe them, not for thofe that could not : Therefore to have inferied into them, an account of God's Methods of ?i fpenfation towardsfuch, had on- ly ferved to gratify the Curious, and 'nconcerned 5 not to infirua or benefit filch as were concern'd. And it well became, hereupon, the accurate Wif doer of God, not herein to indulge the Vanity and Folly ofMan. 2. Now let it, hereupon, be confi- dered, in 2vhat way was this to be done; not otherwife than by è ra irr , and pa:b -. tifriing, an urriverfal I_aw, that whofo -. ever Proud comply withfilch and filch Terms, expreffed in that Law (as, for inftance, Repentance towards God, and faith 1Fa 7efus Ihould be at-Ina-11y and IX.