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3 58 The Living Temple. Part II. telligent Temples, we are afo to be our felves Labourers andWorkmen, (as well as they who are to be fo by fpecial Of- fice) in this Building. But if our work be pulling down, flitting Convi&ions, fupprefiingDefines, Fear, &c. Do we provoke the Lord tojealo.u9, by keeping up theService of the Idols Temple, and profaning his own, a Cor. Io. 22 ? Or have we forgot who hath Paid, Tien- reance is mine, even for treading un- der foot his Son F IMMM.A VE,L, and defpiting his Spirit of' Grace, Ileb. to. 29, ;o ? The high pleafure the defied God takes inhis own gracious Communicati- ons, gratefully received and his juff $.efentment and Difpleafure for the contemptuous Refuial of them, may be underficod fotne way to meafure One. another. Both may be conje&ur'd from this 'Text ofScripture, alter fuch fort, as the hreat thi 2 s ofGod cui be conceived of )by íuch mean Mortals. The Spirit of Grace! ofall Kindnefs !Lave ! Goodnefs ! Benignity ! Sweet. ne s ! O the inef5b1e delight that Bier,. fed Spirit muft tak'.: in its own Effufi r, t t tl't g to chi recovery the tr