Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part H. the Liming Temple. 359 healing and Paving of a Loft Soul, when there is an agreeable Comport- ment therewith ! But the defpiting of fch a Spirit l Who canconceive or ap- prehend, deeply enough, the Horror, of this Crime ! The thwarting the 5t- fign of fo compaliionate Qoodnefs ! Or of Severity, or Sorenefs of Prtnii- went, it [hall be thought worthy of ! The whole Workof Faith, i. e. that en- tire Work, neceffary to be wrought up- on the Soul of a Man, in order to. his future Felicity, and that by God's own power is called the fulfilling., or fatisfy- ing, the good .-y,,,,,f ,,,re of his Goodnefs, 2 ' heft i . i i O the plenitude . of Satisfaction., which our Ble ied Lord takes in the fulfilling the good plea- fure of his Goodneís, when the Me- thods are comply'd with, according whereto he puts forth his Power for ef- fe&ing fuck a Wok ! but if we can ap- prehend, what it is to crofs a Man of Power in his pleaftres : What is it to withrfand thegreat God in his pleafures ! Even the plealures of his Gcodnefs ! His .mofW conatural, delightful Plea- farco ! A a .4 Some