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3 o The Living Temple. Part II. Some eftimate we can make, by fup- pofing a Wealthy, Potent, Wife, and Good Man, intent upon reclaiming a Poor, Wretched, Undone, Perverfe Neighbour ; ifhis Supplies, and Coun- fels, be gratefully received, how plea- fant is it to his Benefactors ; ifoften re- pea ted, they are fcornfuliy rejected, how vexing is the Difappointment 7. We muff know, there are vinci- ble Operations of that Spirit, leading on to thole that are vhtorious, being comply'dwith 3 otherwiíè, to the tnotf terrible Vengeance. When it was eharg'd upon the yews, A is 7. 51. that they did always refill the Holy Ghof, as their Fathers did : It's imply'd, he was alwaysfiriving; thoughmore rarely, to victory. But when it is faid, Prov. Io 23. Turn at my Reproof, could any ef- Flay to turn, but without fome influ- ence of theSpirit ? But that, comply'd with, tends topouring forth a copious Ff£ufon, not to be withCtood. The 11:efp lenlible adminicula, the gentler Aids and Infnua.tions of Grace, lead to whhat fhall overcome. 8. Without