Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Tempk. 361 8. Without fuchan$perpowering Ef- fuGon, Man's .Impotency will ag7 knowledg'd, by thofe that underftand either the Scriptures or thenifelves. But how perverfe is the Inference, that therefore they are to ft (till ! No ; therefore to pray, cry, ftrive, wait, more, than they that wait for the Morn*, 'till he be Gracious, and 'hew Mer- cy. 9. Therefore, for Men to be deiti Cute ofthe Spirit is Criminal : As much, not to befill'd with the Spirit, as to be drunkwith Wine : The fame Authority that forbids the one, enjoyns the other, Eph: 5. 18. To. But tho' it be God's ordinary Method, to proceed gradually in raifing Temples to himfeif in this World, he never fo binds his own Hands, as not todo extraordinary Acts of Grace and Favour, when he thinks fit 5 andwith- out any danger of forcing Men's Wills, or offering Violence to Human Nature : Than which. Imagination nothing is Chore abfurd ; both becaufe, (1 .) The