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Part II. The Living Temple. 363 the Haunts and R. rdence ofDevils, in- ftead of Temples of the Holy Ghoft. And to make theca know, that he counts the Gift of his Son., and Spirit, too great things to be clefpis'd, or not earneedy fought ; after he bath given Hope of then- being attain'd ; or that the Neglect thereof fhould not have a very terrible Vindication : Letting Men feel that the defpifing the Riches of his Goodnefs, which gently leads to Repentance, is nothing elfe but trea- tring up Wrath againft the Day ofWrath, and the Revelation of his righteous Judgment. lnairnuch as he owes it to himfelf, to let them know that the High a.d Lofty One that inhabits Eternity, needs not Peek to them for an Houfe, Jfa. 66. 1,2.And as to what in ordinary courfe, he judges neceffary (left Men fhould in all this be thoughtjuflly querulous) he appeals to themfelves, If. 5. 4. What could 1 have clone more ? .Are not my ways equal? Ezek. 18. Whereuponwe now proceed to (hew the two things, before intimated: it . That