Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

364 The Living Temple. Part IL T. That the Holy Spirit is not o- therwife given, than in or by EMMANVEL, or for Chrif Me. 2. How neceffary, or(which comes fully to the farne) how higly rcafonable it was in it felf, and may appear tous, thatfo migh- ty 4 Gift, and of this peculiar Nature and 'ind, ihould not be vouchfafed unto Men, upon other Terms, or in any other way, than this. fiiis 2d. tows to be con- er'd fb, XI. VIII. I. for the former oftheft that the Spirit of God is 4Cittally given, upon this account only, his own Word fuffici- ently aífiires; us. And who can fo tru- ly inform us, upon what Confiderati- cns he doth this, or that, as he himfeif Let us then, with equal, unbyafs'd Minds, confider the Tenour and Im- port of what we find fpoken in the H ly Scrip /re, about this Matter, which I conceive m=y be truly fumm'd up thus, viz..