Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part I. The Lk/Mg Tempk. 365 (.) That the Holy Spirit is given to this purpofe, of reforingg the Tem- ple ofGod with Men, with the Worfhip and Fruitions thereof, under a twofold Notion, a Builder, As and an Inhabitant. (2.) That it is given under bothNo- tions, or for both thefe Purpofes, for Chrft's fake, and in confderation of Ms Death and Sufferings ; though they have not influence to the obtaining of this Gift, for both thefe Purpofes, in thefame way, but with fome Difference, to be afterwards explain'd, in what follows. 3. That it was not the immediateef- fe(t of his Sufféring, that this Bleffed Spirit thould be forthwith given to this or that particular Perfon ; but that all the Iulnefs of it be gig en into aria's Power, and the Right of difpenfng it, ànntxd to Lis (ffìce, as he is the Re., definer of Sinners, and Mediator be- tyetn God and them, for the accom- plithing