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366 The Living Temple. Part. IL pilihing the End of his Office, the ceafing of Controverfies, Enmities, and Difaffe&ions on our part, Goer ward. 4. That, hereupon, its actual Com- munication for both the mentioned Pur- pofes, is immediately f roar Chri i, or by and thorough him. 5. That it is given by Chrift, under the former Notion, or for the former purpofe of rebuilding God's Temples as a Soveraign, or an abfolute Pleni- potentiary in the Affairs of loll Souls, in a more Arbitrary Way, fo as not to be claimable, upon any foregoing Right. 6. That he gives it, under the latter Notion, and in order to a continued Abode, and Inhabitation, as an Oeco- no rus, or the Steward of the Houfa hold of God proceeding herein , by fixed Rule ; publiíhed in the Gofpel, according whereto the Sub - jets of this fòllowing Communication, being qualify'd for it, by the former, nay, with certainty, expet it, upon the pre-