Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

568 'The Living 'Temple. Part IT. CHAP. X. The Firft of the mentioned Six Heads infjied on. That the Spirit is given both as a Buil- der, and as an Inhabitant of this Temple. Scripture Tefli- mony concerning the former of thofe, and the latter. Andfor the fae of his Death, and Suf- ferings. Anciently the Bleffing of Abraham, andhisSeed from Age to Age, upon this account. 1VIore copioufly and to other Na- tions, when the Fulnefs of Time was come. Chrif's Death bath influence for thele two Pur pófes with much difference, to be afterwards explained. i Col. t. t 9, 20, 21. largely opened. A Digre %on relating thereto. The principal Import of that Text,