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Part II. The Living Temple. 369 Text, to Jhery the Dependence Chriffs whole Workof Recon- ciliation, both of God to us, and of to to God, had upon his Sacrifice on the . Crofs. The latter whereof fis e, feíied by his Spirit, obtained by that Sacri- fice. Other Texts to the fame pnrpoje. Fafriher noted, that the Spirit is expref ly Paid to be given by Chrifl, or in his Name, &c. Given for wild- ing, or Preparing a Temple, by a lefs certain, known Rule. N TOW let us fee, as to each of theft, T. whether this be not the plain Dot-trine of the Scriptures in this Mat- ter. t. For thefirfl oftheft, it bath been fufìciently {hewn already, and the com- mon Experience of all the World {Dews, That, 'till this Blefd Spirit be given, the Teniple ofGod is every where all in Ruin : That therefore'he cannot l; b dwell