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7o The Living Temple. Part H. dwell 'till he build, and that he builds that he may drR-zll, (theCafe, and his known Def;gn, being coníidered) are things, hereupon, plain in thernfelves, and areplainly enough fpoken in Scrip- ture. When the Apoffle had told the Chriflians of Corinth, (i Cor. 3. 9. ) Te are God'r Building, he íhortly after adds, (in the fame Chapter, ver. I6.) Knowye not thatye are the Temple ofGod, and that the Spirit ofGod dwelleth inyou? This Temple, being a living thing, (as I Pet. 2. 7. reprefents it) the very buil- ding andformation of it is, in the more peculiar Senfe, generating ; and be- caufe it is to be again railed up out ofa former ruinous ftate, wherein it lay dead, and buried in its own Ruins, this New Produhion is Regeneration : And do we need to be put in mind whofe York that is ? That it is the Spirit that quickeneth ? Job. 6. Or of what is to indultrioully inculcated by our Lord, eh. 3. ver. 3, 5, 6, 8cc. and teftify'd under the Seal of hisfourfoldAmen, that this New Birth muff be by the Spirit ? And we have both Notions again con- joyn'd, Ephef. 2. For having been told, (ver. i8.) That both (Jews andGen- tiles) have, by one Spirit, accefs to the Father :.