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Part II. The Living Temple. 371 Father ; foas to be no longer Strangers, and at a diftance, but made nigh to God, ver. 19. compared with the 13. 'Tis Paid, ver. 20. We are built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and A- poflles, jefus tbrifl himfelf being the Chief Corner-flone ;, and again added, ( ver. 2 i.) In whom all the Building, fitly framed together, groweth (as a li- ving thing) into an Holy Temple in the Lord. After all which, the ,End and Life of this Building (imply'd in the name ofa Temple) is more exprefly fub- joyn'd, ( ver. 22.) Inwhom alto ye are builded together an Habitation of God, through the Spirit. 'Tis therefore fuffi- ciently evident, that the Spirit is given under thef difin61 Notions, and for thefe feveral Purpofes, the one fubor- dinated to, the other, viz, both as a Builder, anda Dweller. 2. That it is given for Chri.fl'sfake, H. whether for the one purpole, or the other, is as exprefly fignify'd as any thing in the whole Golpel : For what me ins it, that it is laid to be given in his Nance ? Joh. 14. 26. & 15. 26. That the Work it does, being given, is Paid to be done in his flamer 1 Car. 6. Lb 2 I t