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372 The Living Temple. Part It. T T. re are fanhify'd in the Name of our Lord yeius Chri.f`t, and by the Spirit of our God. Yea, and that it is given in confide- ration of his Sufferings and Death, is not lefs plainly fpoken : For not only are the immediate and most peculiar O- perations of this Spirit, afcribed to his Death, (r Pet. 2.24) He himfelfbare our Sins, in his own Body, on the Tree, that we being dead to Sin, might live to Righteoufnef ; but the imparting of the Spirit it felf, is reprefented as the De- fign and End of thofe Sufferings, Gal. 3. 14. He was made a Curfe for us, for curfed is every one that hangethon a Tree, that the Biding of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, that we might receive the Promif e of the Spirit, &c. III. It was thefame way, and on thefame teinis, upon the largenefs and certainty of the Divine Profpect, and forefight touchingChrift's future Sufferings ; that this was the BlungofAbraham,and his PofIerity, longbefore he fuffer'd. That God gave them, of Old, his Spirit to in- f radi them, Nehem. 9. 20. Which is not obfcurely imply'd, when, locking Laic upon the Days of Old, they are faid to