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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 7 3. to have rebelled, and vexed his Spirit, Ifa. 63. 9, i.o. And when Stephen tells them, Adis 7. 51. .2e doalways reffl the Ilòly Gholl, as your Fathers did, fo do ye ; it is imply'd, that even from Age to Age that Bleifed Spirit was f riving with them (Children and Fathers) ; for there could be no r. fflance, where there was no /laving : And that, in tholeformer Ages, that Holy Spirit was acfiive among them upon Chrisi's ac- count, and by the Procurement of his future Sacrifice, (prefignify'd by their many Sacrifices) is allo fuliciently in- timated, in that, when 'tis Paid, That, under Mofe.r, they did eat and drink f iritual Meat and Drink; they are faid to have drank of the Rock, that followed them; arid ''tis added, that Rock mcs Chrifi. And by what Provocations could they be fuppofed more to reft and vex the Holy Spirit, than by thofe wherewith, in the Day of Provocation and Temptation, they are faid to have Lulled in the ITild,rnefs, and tempted God in the Defart, Pii. io6. 14.. Pfa. 78. Pfa. 9$. Heb. 3. by which. they are exprefly faid to have tempted Chrill, Cor. 10. 9. And certainly the Pri- viledgP was inel itriably great, (tho' 8 b 3 they