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374 The Living Temple. Part Ii. they too generally little efleem'd it, and made little Advantage of it) that when the molt of the Woild betides, was nothing elfe but waft, neglected Wildernefs, they Ihould be an inclofed Vineyard, under the long continued Droppings and Dews of Heavenly In- fiance, ( for it was not but upon high and long Provocation, that, at laft, God commands his Clouds to rain no more Rain upon it, Ifa. 5. 6.) How fingular a Favour was it to be-the ap- propriate Plantation, Vineyard, and Garden ofGod, taken in from fo vaft and wild a Defart ! And that the God of Abraham would fo long continue the Relation, and be their God 5 to blefs them with the Choice of , hi.t Blengs, thofe whereof his own Spirit was the peculiar Source andSpring! IV. But when the Firinefr. of Time, and the Sèafon for the actual Immolation of that Sacrifice, (once for all, to be ofer'd up) was now come, that the immenfe Pulnefs of its Value and Vertue, might he duly dtmonft ated and glorify'd down goes the Inclofure, which the mplitude, and Exten fivenefs of God's l..ind Defign, could no longer endure And