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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 75. And as force time the great Prophetic& Oracle, given to Abraham, muff take ef- feet, In thy Seed (and 'tis faid, not of Seeds, as ofmany, but ofSeed as ofone, viz. Chriii, dal. .3. 16. ) fhall all the Nations of the Earth be bleed 5 this is the tinge. Now muff the Blefing of A.- braham, come upon the Gentiles : Nor could anyTime have been more fitly chofen, that theCopioufnefs, and vaft Diffufion of the Efètt, might demon- {Irate and magnify the Power and Ful- nefs of the Carafe, and even lead the Eyes of all unto it. Thedraining, fo gener- allyof all Men, was that which mull dignify the Crofs, and incite all Eyes to behold and adore the Son of Man lift up, Joh. 12. 32. and in the min of Death, even with his dying Breath, fending forth fo copious, and far- fprea- ding a Diffufion of Spirit and Life ! And now had it only been faid lootly, and at large, That this was brought a- bout by his dying, that might admit a great Latitude ofSenfe, and give force rOom for finifter Interpretation. The Intendment of the Exprefiiion might be thought fufficiently anfwered, if, any way, his Dying did occa/wn good Im- prations upon the Minds of M:n: But B b 4 when