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376 The Living Temple. Part II. when the, Effect is exprefly afcribed to his dying} fo, . as the Caufe, i. e. to his being lift up, to his being made a Curfe in dying, by hanging on a Tree, and a Curie for to to redeem us, thereby, from the legal Curfe, which lay upon us be- fore ; theCurfe of the Law, the Doom which the violated Law laid upon us, ofhaving (as is apparentlymeant) the Spirit withheld from us, that thereupon the great and rich Elefìng might come upon us, ofhaving that Holy Spirit free- ly, and without further rei raint, com- municated to us : This puts the Matter out of all difpute, that it was in con/i- deration of his dying, that God now gives his Spirit, and leaves no Place for contending againft it unto any, who have not more mind to obje&, than they can havepretence for it. It is then, theplainDoc7rine of the Scriptures, that the Spirit is given for the refloringofGod's Temple with Men, for thefake of Chrifi',c Death and Suffer- ing, whowas EMMAi\ L'EL, and, in his own Perfon, the Original Temple, out of which, eachfingle Temple was to a- rife and fpring up, as well as he was the Exemplary Temple, unto which they were all to be conformed.: But