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Part II. The Living Temple. 377 But whereas his Sufferings and Death V. have their Influence differently, to the Spirits building ofany fuchparticularfe- condary Temple, and to his replenifhing and inhabiting it ; that Difference we fhall find is not inexplicable, or very difficult, to be reprefented, according to the tenour of the Scriptures alfò: In order whereto, it will he of of to add,, 3. That, as the immediate Effect of his Sufferings, and Death, the Spirit, in all the Fulnefs thereof, is firfl given into his Power, and the Right of com- municating it annexed to his Office, as he is the EMMANLEL, the Redeem- er of Sinners, and Mediator between God and them ; that it might ir7plant what was neceffary, root out what fhould be finally repugnant, either to their Du- ty towards him, or their Felicity in him. That this was the end of his Office, the very Notion of a Mediator between God and Men, doth plainly intimate, i Pet. 3. i8. For 7efus Chri37, himfelf, fiffered once, the yufi, for the `Z.'njr,fl, to bring us to God. Which muff fignify not