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3 7 8 The Living Temple. Part If. not only that he was to render God at:- edible, expiating by his Blood our Guilt; but alto, to male to willing to come to him, vanquithing by his Spirit, our Enmityprocured alfo by his Sufer- ing, the Ya fl,for the Vnjufl,without both we could not be brought to God, which was, we fee, the Endofhis Suffering. That all Fidnefs did,upon hisSuffering, rende in him, for this purpofe is as plainly fignify'd by that remarkable Connection, Col. 1. 19, 20. For it plea- fed the Father that in himfhould all Ful- nefs dwell -- and having made Peace by the Bloodofhis Croft, by him to reconcile all things to himfelf. [The Father] is not in the original Text, (theVerb be- ing left imperfonal) but is fitly and ne- celfarily underftood ; For whofe Plea- faire can this be fuppofed to be, but the Father's ? And fo theCurrent of Dif courfe doth thus run fmooth. The Fa- ther was pleated that all Fulnefs fhould dr ell in him, having made Peace by the Blood of his Croft, by him to reconcile all things to himself; even by him (for that is inculcated a fecond time ). It was judged necefffry to this reconciling De- fign, that all Fulnejs f ould dwell in him. But who did thus judge ? The Father was