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Part II. The LivingTemple. 379 was pleafed it fhould be fo; but upon what Confideration ? Having made Peace by the Blood of his Crofs. The fame He, that was pleafed all Fulnefs fhould dwell in him, fo pleafed, as having made Peace by the Blood of his Crofs ; for the Syntax cannot admit that srSt caotryoo s fhould be fpoken of the Son ; but the Father (asAgent, agreeably to that 2 Cor. 5.18. All things are ofGod, who hash reconciledus to himfelf, by 7e- fus Chris) having made Peace ; or pitcht upon this Method, and laid this Foundation of making Peace ( for 'tis ufual to fpeakof a thingas done, when it is put into afsreway of being fo) by the Blood of his Son's Crofs, was now content that all Fulnefs fhould dwell in him, to bediffufed, byhim, thorough the World, in order to his having Temples,prepared,inhabited, replenifht with Divine Glory every where; not in Heaven only, which was already full of them, or where it was eafy to fup- pole lie might find filch Temples ready prepared in all quarters; but even on Earth alto, where all was waft and de- folate, nothing to be feen but forlorn Ruins. VI. And,