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38o The Living Temple. Part IL VI. And, by the way, (that we may make fome, not unufeful, Digrefíion) it is very ordinary in Scripture, to joyn things in the fame Period, as if they were ofequal Concernment, when, tho' they are mentioned together, their Concernment is very different; and the main ftrefs is intended to be laid but on the one of them ; the other being plac'd there, either as an oppofite, the more to illuftrate, and fet off that with which it is joyn'd ; or as an Introdue`li- on, a thing fuppofed, and which had place already, unto which the other is more principally neceffary to be added ; and then is the form ofSpeech, mani- feftly, elliptical, butfo, as that to con- fidering Readers 'tis eafy to apprehend what is to be fupply'd. As when the Apoflle (peaks thus, Rorer. 6. 17 . God be thanked, that ye were the Servants of Sin, but ye have obey'dfrom the Heart, thatformofDoarinewhich was delivered toyou. Doth the Apofile intend to thank God for their having been the Servants of Sin ? No Man can think fo. But that, whereas, or notwithflanding, they had beenfo (which was the thing tobe fupply'd) they did now obey, &c. So