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38a The Living Temple. Part bend, or imagine, that the Rich bath a truer Caufe, and greater Reafon, to rejoyce when he is made low; becaufe he was, otherwife, apt to pleafe himfelf, or be mockt, with a Shadow. Many, more fuch Inflances might be given of two things thus joyn'd together, in the fame Afrtion, or fometimes, in the fame Precept, where the Intendment is to make ufe of the one, either by way ofOppofition, or Corrparifon, the more to magnify,or to lay the greaterweight on the other. The Matter may well be fo under- flood in the place under our prefent confideration ; by him to reconcile all Things to himfelf ( Things being put for Perfons, as elfewhere in Holy Scrip- ture, Luke 19. Io. r job. 5. 4. and commonly in other Writers) whether Things on Earth, or Things in Heaven ; i. e. even as well Men on Earth, where the Difficulty was greater, and where Enmity againfl God did rage, where he was fet at greateft diftanceand higheft defiance; as thofe in Heaven, where all was pacate already, and therefore a word was chofen more fuitable to the ftate of their Cafe, whowere principally intended, viz. of Reconciling ; meaning that,