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Part II. The Living Temple. 3 S 3 that, by Reconciliation, he would make the Rateof things on Earth, now fo fil- led with Enmity againft God, fuitable to theirflate above, among whom there was none: And yet a Word not wholly incongruous to the heavenly State al- to ; for ,i.okoldxxdRev, doth not always fuppofe aforegoing Enmity, as (uíed 2 Cor. 5. 19, 20.) doth not al- ways; nor doth the Decompound here more limit the Senfe; but doth some- times fignify to conciliate, or draw in. to Society, and may, in reference to that State above, have reference to the Continuation of Amity, and accord there; that no more any fuch Rupture, as once there was, fhould have place in thofe bright Regions for ever : And it feems deigned for theRedeemer's more Confummate Glory, that the perpetual Stability of the heavenly State, fhould be owing to him, and to the molt in- eflimable valueof his Oblation on the Crofs; that it fhould be put upon his Account, and be a[cribed to the high Merit of his pacificatory Sacrifice, that they continue in Obedience, and Fa- vour, for ever ! For why, elfe, is the mention of the [Blood of his Crof] fo carefully inferted, and that, rather than be