Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

384 The Living Temple. Part IL be omitted, 'tis even thruft into a Par- renthefis : It pleafed the Father that in himfhould all Fulnefs dwell, and (hav- ing made Peace by the Bloodof his Crofs) to rec'ìncile all things to himfif ---on Ear, -s -in Heaven! This is the more remarkably defigned : Tho' yet, the Principal import of the word [recon- ciled] (as any word that is to be ap- pl' 'd to divers Matters, is differently to be un .lerftood, according to thedi- verfity of she Matter) is accomodate to their Cafe, who were principally in- tended, viz,. thofe on Earth, who were in Enmity with God. And the fol- lowing words !hew thefe to have been hereprincipally intended : Andyou, who were fometimes alienated, and Enemies inyour Minds through wicked Works, yet now bath he reconciled, &c. ver. 21. q. d, He hath not only conciliated to him- felf, or made fore of the everlafling A- mity of thofe, who were always dutifill in Heaven ; but he bath alfo recovered the Good -will, and Loyal Affehion of fuch on Earth, as were at Enmity in an A'po, tacy, alienated, andEnemies in their Minds ; and all, by the fame Means, the T7ertue, and Fragrancyof a Sacrifice, fuicient to fill Heaven and Earth with its