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Part I I. The Liking Te»rple. 385 its grateful Odour, and whofe Effizacy can never decrease to all Eternity. for therefore, is it confequent, that the diret`t Intention of this his Sacrifice, fhould bear Refercnce to the Concern- ments of AnNels, whole Nature he took not, but from the Redundancy oats me- rit, this inellimable Advantage, viz. the permanent Stabilitycftheir State; may well be fuppofed to accrue to them; and, for the greater Honour of the Redeemer, .they made Debtors to him for it. And why fhould it feem I_ncongru_ bus, that thofe molt conffantly pure and holy Creatures above, who are, in thin fame Context, v. 16. made to owe whatever Excellencies they have, within the Sphere of Nature, to the Son of God, fhould owe to him allo, whatfoever they have within the Sphere of Grace ? Yea, how aptly do things correfpond, that, whereas it had been laid above, ver. 16. By him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are on Earth, &.c. it fhould alfo Le after laid, ly him are all things reconci- led, either recovered into, or continued in, everlafting Amity with him. i. e. That whofoever partake offpecial Di- Cc vine