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386 The Living Temple. Part II. vine Favour, whether they be of the things on the Earth, or the things in Heaven, flail for the future be Debtors tohim for it. And whereas it is ex- preily Paid in Scripture, that when God railed him from the Dead, he fet him far above all Principality, and Power, &c. Ephef. i. 20, 21. (which words ix n v ti xvm, fit him above, not only fignifies Confiitution, a thing diverCe from natural Priority, but also, being conjunc`t with his railing himfrom the Dead, imports a reference to his Dy- ing, and Conquei over Death, as the Reafon of it) and that being gone into Heaven---- Angels, andAuthorities, and Powers, are madefisbjeci to him, t Pet. 3. 22. and that he being faid to be the Read ofall Principalities and Powers he might, by themfelves, be underffood not to be an ufelefs or unbeneficial Head to them. Tho' it alfo is not to be for- gotten, that, at the time, when the A- pollle writ thefe words, a contderable part of that holy Bleffed Society, then in Heaven, werefometime on Earth, in a fiate of Enmity againfi God, and fo who needed Reconciliation, in the flrift and proper Sente ; as they did, who werefiill on Earth, and to whom he