Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IÍ. The Living Temple. 387 he now more particularly dire&s his Speech, ven 21. Andyou alfo, who were fonretimes alienated-yet now hash re- conciled, Scc. But, tho I could not think it an Tm- pertinency, to ufe force Endeavourfor clearing the whole of this(fomewhat ob- fcure) Context, it coming, as it did, in my way ; yet the principal thing, with reference to my pfefent Scope and Purpofe, which I confider in it, is that it was upon the account of the Blood our Redeemer fhed on the Crofr, that the Father was pleated all Fulnefs ftmould dwell in him, as an Original Temple, to ferve the Purpofes of that great recon- ciling Work, undertaken by him, the railing up ofMultitudes of Temples, all fprung from this One, in this World of ours, That God might dwell with 'Vien on Earth! that .wi izing thing! 2. Chr. 6. 18. And that a'cen.1 lin order whereto he was firs, dying,to defcend) i that he might fill all things, give G fts, that of his Spirit efpecially; and that to fuch as were Enemies in their Minds, by wicked Works, even the Rebellious 41- fa, that the Lord God might have his Temple, and dwell with them, Ff. 68. Cc 2 x . VII.