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3 SS The Living Temple. Part IL 18. And whereas that Work muff comprehend the working out of Enmity from the Hearts of Men againft God ( and not only the propitiatingof God to them, which the Word fn 0,trctioat feems more principally to intend) and that a great Communication of Influ- ence from the Divine Spirit, was ne- ceffary for the overcoming that Enmi- ty ; that therefore this Fulnefs muff in- clude ( among other things, being may, ng, all Fulnefs) an immenfe Treafure, and abundance of Spirit ( which is elfewhere faid to be given him, not by meafure, joh. 3. 34.) and that therefore his Sufferings did obtain this Plenitude ofSpirit to be frrfl feated in him, as the Receptacle and Fountain, whence it muff be derived, and that the Power and Right of difpenfing it fhould belong to his Office, as he was the great Reconciler, and Mediatour be- tween God and Ilan. Which alfo ma- ny other Texts ofScripture do evident- ly imply, as when he is reprefented as an univerfal Plenipotentiary, able to quicken whom he will, 'oh. 5. 21. And all Power is faid to be given him,. both in Heaven and Earth, N;at. 28. 18. and that the Father had given all things into