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Part H. The Living Temple. 389 into his Hands, Joh. 13. 3. which muft comprehend the Power of giving the Spirit, and which the end of giving him that plenitude of Power plainly re- quires. Thou ha.fl given him Power o* ver all Flefh, that he might give Eternal Life to as many, as thou hall given him, yoh. 17. 2. the Spirit given being the Root of that Life, Gal. 6. 8, They that fox to the Spirit, (hall of the Spirit reap Li,fé everla(ling. And that he is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give Repentance, (which equally implies the Gift of the Spirit) as well as Rem/I/ion of Sins, Alts 5.3 r. Nor is the Con- fiderationof his Suferings and Death lets plainly fignify'd to be the Ground, upon which this Fulnefs of Power is given him ; when 'tis faid, Chri.fl both. Dy'd, and Reviv'd, and Rofe again, that he might be Lord of the Living, and the Dead, From. 74. 8. And when, after mention of his being Obedient to Death, &c. 'tis faid, Wherefore God hath h;ghly exalted him, &c. that all fhonld confefs Chrifl is Lord ,Sc. Phil. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8, i i. We further no_e, Cc 3 VI.II.