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39o The Living Temple. Part II. VIII. 4. That, hereupon, the Spirit (whe- ther it be for the one, or the other, of thementioned Purpofes) is aehieilly and immediately given by Chrift, or by the Authority of that Office which he bears 5 than which nothing can be plainer, in that he is call'd the Spirit ofChrifi, Rom. 8.9. And when our Lord himfe1f u- fes the Expreffions about this Matter, with fuch Indifferency, and as equi- valent, either Iwillfind him, Joh. 16. 7. or, Iwi/I .fend him from my Father, Joh. 15. 26. or, My Father roil fend him in my Name, Joh. 14. 26. Which what can it fignify lefs, than that, as the Father was the farft Fountain of this Communication, fo the eftablifhed Way andMethod of it, was in and by Chr ?, from which there was to be no depar- ture ? as is allo fignify'd in that of the .Àpo[Ule, Epbef. z.` 3. Bleffed be the God and Father ofour Lord 7efus ChrifI, who Lath blefed us with all Spiritual file ings in Heavenly Places (or Things in Chrift. And when we confider, how exad Care is taken in well-ordered fetwlar Gozernments, not only that things be done, which the Affairs of the Govern-