Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. 39 ment required ; but that they be done regularly, and in the way which is pre- fcribed, and fet ; fo as that every one knows, and attends the Bufinefs of hit own place, and fation ; and that no one may expel that from the Trea- furer, which is tobe done by the Chan- cellour, or that from him, which be- longs to the Secretary of State. If there beany Beauty and Comelin.efs in order, where thould we more expe& to find it, than in the Divine Government? And in the Condu& and Management of the Affairs, of theSupreme and Cce- ieflial Kingdom ; wherein only the Pie- motenefsof thofe things from cur Senfe makes every thing feem little, and in- confiderable. But did we allow our felves to retire more frequently out of this WorldofShadows, and afcend into thofeglorious Regionsabove; there to contemplate the bright Orders of Holy, Loyal Spirits, all imployed in the Ser- vices of the Throne, and to behold Jefus the Head of all Prindpali- ties and Powers, the Reforer of what was hunk, and decay'd, and the 'Up- holder of the whole fliding Univerfe, even of the nobleft Parts ofit, that were liable to the fame Lapfe and Decay ; by C c 4 whom