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l 171111,71 392 The Living Temple. Part II. whom all things conjs` .; we Mould not think it firange that filch Deference, and Honour, fnould belong to his O free; that it thould be rendered every way fo auguft, and great, that he thould be fo glorîoufly enthron'd at the Right Handof the Majefiy on high; and that, when his Adminiftrations are manage- able with fo much Eafe, and Pleafure, to one of fo immenfe Wifdom, Power and Goodnefs all As of Grace and Favour, fhould more efpecially pafs through his Hands. And if we under- ítand any thing of the Dif1inaion of Perrons in the ever Blefed Deity (whereof if we underfiand nothing, how do we adventure to affirm any thing?) it is not more difficult to ap- prehenddiftin& Employments, wherein yet, all r z never fail to have their rnoit cornplaceniial Confent. And when that kind ofQfce, was fo freely undertaken by the Son; the Sfception and Management whereof, bath, no doubt, fill'd the Supreme Court, at and from Age to Age, with his higheft Celebrations, and Praifes, and fir the Execution whereof, when he made his defcert into this World of' ours, and was to appear an incarnate God of Fart*