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Part II. The LivingTemple. 3 Earth, a Proclamation was puLlifht in Heaven, Now let all the Angels of God worfhip him ; and, in his Execution whereof, they had, from time to time afterwards, fpontaneouflysliooD'd down tobehold, with pleated Wonder, his furprizingly ftrange, and prcfperous Methods and Pe formances who can think it unfuitable to the Dignity and Authority of fo great, and fo highly rnagnify'd an Office, unto which all the Power of Heaven and Earth was an- next, that it àhould, by confent, belong to it, to employ the whole Agency of the Holy Ghol, in purfuance of its high and great Ends ? But now, hehaving, by his Blood, obtained, that this immenCe Plenitude ofSpirit'íhould reticle in him, not for him'elf, perfonally confidered, (for fo he had it by natural, eternal necefí aty, without Capitulation, or Procurement) but as the was inveftedwith fuch an Of- free, and in order to its Being, by the Power of that Office, communicated to others ; it is eafy to be conceived, and May be colleted from the Yenour of Holy 'Scripture, a what different Me- thods it was to be communicated, for the (alreadymentioned) diffèrent Ends of