Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

394 The Living Temple. Part II. of that Communication, viz. the Re- building of God's Temple on Earth, and the confiant inhabiting, and reple- nifhing it afterwards. Therefore, 5. For the former of thefe Purpofes, it is given more arbitrarily, and of more abfolute Sovereignty, not limited by any certain, publifhed, or known Rule ; or other than what lay concealed in fe- rret purpofe. Mere the firs Principle is given ofthat Life which fprings out, and exerts it felf, in the generating, and formingofa LivingTemple; which grows up into Everlafling Life, and makes it an eternally living thing. Now whereas he hatli fo vaflr a Power given him by the Father over all Flefh, (which Giving, we again note, muff fignify this not to be the Power he had bynatu- ral Inherence, but by later Conf f itution) we doknow to whom, or to what fort of Perfons, this Eternal Life, in the confummate State of it, is to be given, for that is fufficiently declared in Scripture ; but we are not told to whom it (hall be given in the very ini- tial State, or in the firfl and feminal Principle of it ; that is referved among theArcana Imperil, the ferret Refolves, or IX.