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Part IL The Living Temple. 395 or Placita of the Divine Government. And fo, taking the whole of it toge- ther, (as here we muff) we are only told, Ile will give it to as many, as the Father hathgiven him, Joh. 17.2. We do find a ConneLion, Rem 8. go. of Predeflination , Calling , f fi c tion , andGlorification : But not of a Sinner, asfuck, with any of theft. So obfer- vable was that of a noted Ancient, s. Jerom. He that hath promifed Pardon to a Penitent, hath not Cexcept with ve- ry great Latitude) promifed Repentance to a Sinner. To fpeak here more di- Ever fince the Apoflacy, even upon Xm the firft declared Conflitution of a Re- deemer, and in the íhining forthof that firft cheering RayofGofpel Light and Grace, the Seed ofthe H'omanfhall break the Serpents Head ; a Promife was im- p1 y'dof the Communication ofthe Spirit 5 that Curfe, which made the Nature of Man, as the accurfed Ground, Impro- dudive of any thing but Briars and Thorns 3 and whereby all holy vital Influences were íhut up from Men, as in an inclo fed, fealed Fountain, being Hoerf) far reverted, for the Redeemer's fake,