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3 96 The Living Temple. Part II. fake, as that all Communication of the Spiritfhould no longer remain impoJjble. And hereupon, force Communication of it, in fuch a Degree, as might infer fume previous Difpofitions and Ten- dencies to Holy Life, feems to have been general (and is therefore fitly enough wont to be called common Grace) but then, in that lower degree, it is not on- ly refiQible, but, too generally, refitt- ed with mortal efficacy ; fo as that it builds no Living Temples; but retiring, leaves Men under the moat uncomfort- able, and hopelefs (but chofen) Shades of Death. When it was faid concerning the Old World before the Flood, My Spirit (ball not alwaysfir;ive with Man, 'tis im- ply'd, it hadbeen conftantly and gene- rallyfiriving, until then ; but that it was now time, by the Holy, Wife, and Righteous Judgment ofHeaven, to fur- ceafe, and give them over to the De- fFrudion which enfued.WhichText, tis trtfe,forne interpret otherwife; but ifwe Will allow that of the i Pet. 3. i 8, 19, 20. to mean that, while Noah, that Preacher ofRighteoufnefs, did it exter- nally, Chri[t was, by his Spirit, inward- ly preaching to that Generation, who were,