Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part H. The Living Temple. 397 were, notr fine, in the Infernal Prifon not while they were fo, (which the Text fags not) but in theirformer Days of Ditobedience on Earth. This place will then much agree with the Senfe, wherein we (with the generality ofour interpreters) take the other. Nor are we, therefore, to think there is noElated Rule at all, in reference to this Cafe of God's moregeneral (tut left efcacious) ftriving with Men, by his Spirit. For we here fee that, before God took any People to be peculiar to him, from the ref of Men, the reaíòn which he gives, why his Spirit fjoull not alwaysfirive with Man, in common (after an Intimation of his contempti- ble Meannefs, and his own Indulgence towards him notwithfianding, and In- fiance given of his abounding Wick - ednefs in thole Days) was, becaufe all the Imaginations of the Thoughts of h,s Heart were only Evil continually, Gen. 6. 3, 4, 5. i. e. That, in oppofìtion to the Di&ates of the Bleffed Spirit,he gave himfelf up to the Power, and Govern- ment of Senfual Inclination, his Mind, or thinking, confidering Power, and Faculty, falling in with the Imag'n,,m Lions Cf Senfe, and taking part there- with,