Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

98 The Living Temple. Part If. with, agains`l the Spirit ofGod ; which imported nothing lets than a continual rebelling againft that Holy Spirit. Now if we confider this, as the declared ream fon, why God's Spirit fhould not always firive, and compare therewith other Paffages of ¶ cripture 5 we maycolle&, and perceive there is fame Rule of God's proceeding, in this Matter, not onlyfet- tied in Heaven, but fufficiently notify'd on Earth alfo : i. e. Concerning the extent, not concerning the limitation of this Gift ; how far God would certainly go, in affording it, not how fir he would not go. As far as it is fought, comply'd with, and improv'd ; not howfar he would not, in Tome Inftances, proceed, beyond that. He hath bound us to pray, f}rive, endeavour, but not ty'd his own hands from doing furpri- fngA&s ofFavour, aboveand beyond his Promife. 'Tis plain, Man had, byhis Apofacy, cut off all Intercourfe between God, and Him; not only was become rem gardlefs of it, but difentitled. It was his Inclination, not to converfewith God; 'twas his Doom, that hefhould not. We have but port and dark Hints of God's firti Tranfac`tions with Men, but what was