Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. 'De Living Temple. 399 wits writtert, and done afterwards., much enlightens and explains them. Thera was, no doubt, a much more compre henfve, and fubftantial Law, or hle ofDuty, given to Adam, than that po- "tive Statute, Of the Tree ofKnowledge of Good and Evil, .thouflaalt not eat ; that wasfundamental to it, and tranfgreft in the violationof it ; and thereforefame way imply'd in it ; and ifall that more were only given by internal, mental im- preJJion, or was only to be colle6ted from the thorough Confideration of God's Nature, and his own, and of the State of things between God and him ; that mull have been as intelligible to his, yet undepraved, Mind, as written Tables, or Volumes. There muff allo, accordingly, be much more imply'd in the fubjoyn'd enforcing Saneion, or Rule of Punifhment : In the Day thou eatefi thereof, thoufhalt dye the Death ; than the vulgar apprehenfion of dying comes to ; for thefe were the words of the Commination, or Curfe upon Man, if he {hould tranfgrefs : And are we not plainly told, Gal. 3. r 3, 14. Chrifi hath redeemed us from that Curfe - --- that this BleJfng might come upon us, that we might receive --- the Spirit ? Therefore, this