Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part IL The Living Temple. I 3 I {hall only attend to what he more direr tly lays to this effect ; and {hall particularly apply my felf to confider filch of his Propofrtions, as more immedi- ately refpeEt this his main Defgn ; For they will bring us back to the Definitions, and Axioms, or other parts of his Dif- courfe, whereon thofe are grounded, and even into all the darker and more perni- cious Receffes of his Labyrinth, fo as every thing ofImportance to the menti- on'd purpofe, will be drawn under our Confideration, as this thread {hall lead us. His i ít. Propofition we let pals, [That a Subftance is, in order of Nature, before its Affections] having nothing applicable to his Purpofe in it, which we thall not otherwife meet with. His 2d. [That two Subfiances, having divers Attributes, have nothing common between them] or, whichmutt be all one, do agree in nothing, I conceive it will be no great Prefumption to deny. And fincehe is pleafed herein, to be divided from bimfelf, it is a Civility to his later, and wifer-felf, to do fo, who will, after- wards, have Subftance, having a multi- tude of diftin& Attributes, (i. e. Effen- ces) and which, therefore, cannot but beSchol. manifold, to have every thing Comi Prop, to $non.