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406 The Living Temple. Part IL this Curfe did Phut up the Spirit from us; and this Death muff fignify a Sup fpenfion of all vital, holy Influence, ai continual Languifhment under the ítu- pifying Power ofa carnal Mind, which (Rom. a. 6.) we are exprefly told is Death. And when thatfirfl Evangeli- cal Promife was collaterally, and im plicitely given, wrapt up in the threat- ;zing to the Serpent, That the Woman! Seed fhould break his Head ; it could mean no lefs, thanrthat he, that mould afterwards, in the l'ulnefs ofTime, be- come her Seed, and be born ofa Woman, fhould redeem us from under that Curfe, and turn it, in all the confequent Elor roars of it, upon himfelf. 'Twas therein fore further plain alto, that no Breath of Holy Divine Influence was ever More to touch the Spirit of Man, had it not been for the Redeemer's Interpofztion, and Ondertaking. But he having interpofed, underta:- ken, and performed, as he bath, what is the Effect of it ? What ! that the Spi- rit fl,,ould now go forth with irrefifli- ble Almighty Power to convert all the World ? That, the Event too plainly {hews was not the Delign; or that it %could immediately fupply Men with fàicien: