Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. 4 t ficient Grace and Power to convert themfelves ? That no Scripture fpeaks; and it Were ttrange, if fuck fifffcient Grace were a6ivally given to all, itfioulcl prove effectual with fo very .few. But the maniteff Effe& is, that the Spirit may now go forth `the Juflice, andMa- lediElion of the Law not reclaiming a gainft it) and make gentle Trials upon the Spirit of Men, inje&c fo-ne Beams ofLight, andj oaie good Thoughts, with which if they eotriply, they have no caufe to depair of more; and fo, that which is wont to be called common Grace, may gradually lead, and tend to that of an higher kind, which isfpe- cial, and finally Paving. ri hat Light, and thofe Motions, which have only ttis Tendency, muff be afcribed to the Spi., tit of God, cep-operRing with Men, Natural .haculties ; and not to their own,) unaf}if ed, natural Power alone. For we are notfuffieient e f oz;rfelves, to think one right Thought : And now if they rebel againftfichLight and Moti ons, violently oppolitîg their fenfual Imaginations and Defires, to their Light, and the, ecret Proniptings of God's Zy Sprit ; they, hereby, vex his Spirit, provoke it to leave them, and do for D d fèit